Volume XV Notes from the Editor

The December 2019 issue of Homeland Security Affairs features a research article proposing a new paradigm for dealing with transnational criminal organizations (TCOs), an essay reviewing an important new book on catastrophic hurricane response, a research article which provides a premortem analysis of the security threats posed by climate change, and an essay reviewing a noteworthy new book which seeks to re-define the homeland security enterprise.

In “Lines, Flows, and Transnational Crime: Toward a Revised Approach to Countering the Underworld of Globalization,” Alan Bersin and Lars Karlsson question the relevance of Westphalian borders in an era of globalized flows and propose a new approach to more effectively confront the threat from TCOs.

In the second essay, Kristopher Thornburg reviews Philip Palin’s insightful new book, Out of the Whirlwind: Supply and Demand After Hurricane Maria.

In “Climate Security: A Premortem Approach to a Sustainable Global Future,” John Comiskey and Michael Larrañaga conduct a pre-mortem analysis in order to securitize climate change and identify the most significant associated homeland security threats.

In the final essay, Caleb Cage reviews How to Think about Homeland Security: The Imperfect Intersection of National Security and Public Safety by David H. McIntyre.

The September issue of Homeland Security Affairs marks the rollout of a new recurring feature called Policy Perspectives. From its founding, CHDS has had twin missions of educating and informing policymakers as well as furthering scholarship in the discipline of Homeland Security. In order to better serve both constituencies, HSA will begin to provide its readers with occasional policy-focused analyses and position papers in addition to peer-reviewed scholarly articles and book reviews. With the addition of the new Policy Perspectives features, Homeland Security Affairs will now serve as an enhanced platform for the discussion and debate of important policy ideas and proposals while it continues to serve as an outlet for outstanding scholarship designed to further the growth of knowledge within the developing discipline of homeland security.

Our first Policy Perspectives feature will be an analysis of key capability gaps at Customs and Border Protection (CBP) by Thomas P.M. Barnett. In addition to our inaugural “Policy Perspectives” feature, the August issue also contains an essay which reviews an important new book on domestic intelligence in the U.S., and an essay which presents an andragogical approach for learning homeland security.

In “Capability Gaps Threatening CBP’s Present and Future Operations,” Thomas P.M. Barnett analyzes key operational shortcomings at Customs and Border Protection and recommends targeted reforms for the agency. In the second essay, Erik Dahl reviews Spying: Assessing U.S. Domestic Intelligence Since 9/11 by Darren Trombley. In “How to Learn About Homeland Security,” Chris Bellavita puts forward a subjective-dialectical approach for practitioners to both learn about and generate knowledge for the developing field of homeland security. This essay is accompanied by a podcast in which the author further explains his andragogical approach to learning about homeland security.

The May 2019 Issue of Homeland Security Affairs features  an essay which examines shortcomings in FEMA’s ability to manage civil defense and wartime defense mobilization missions which could seriously hinder the ability of the U.S. to prevail in a great power war and a research article which proposes an insurance-based system for promoting more corporate investment in cyber security.

In How FEMA Could Lose America’s Next Great War, Quinton Lucie analyzes serious gaps in FEMA’s ability to carry out crucial wartime Civil Defense and defense mobilization missions, and provides a roadmap for closing those gaps.

In Incentivizing Cyber Security Investment in the Power Sector Using an Extended Cyber Insurance Framework, Jack Rosson, Mason Rice, Juan Lopez, and David Fass present a framework for using cyber-insurance to incentivize greater private sector investment in cyber security.

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