Supplement: DHS Centers of Excellence Science and Technology Student Papers
On March 30-April 1, 2011 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), Office of University Programs (OUP) hosted the Fifth Annual DHS University Summit at the Washington, DC. Renaissance Hotel. The Summit theme was “Transportation: Catastrophes and Complex Systems”, and provided an opportunity to learn about cutting-edge homeland security science and technology research related to transportation systems.
Conference attendees included researchers and innovators in academia, industry, and government; chief scientists, program analysts, portfolio managers, and other subject matter experts; federal, state, and municipal employees; first responders; DHS operators; and academic institutions associated with the twelve DHS-sponsored research Centers of Excellence (COE) and their students.
As part of the Summit, OUP invited student researchers from the DHS Centers of Excellence to submit abstracts on their projects. Presenters were selected by DHS subject matter experts and invited to participate in the Summit. The papers published in this special supplement to Homeland Security Affairs, which summarize the work presented by the student participants, were recognized for providing significant findings, indications and potentially important contributions to the homeland security science and technology enterprise.