Notes from the Editor

The May 2023 Issue of Homeland Security Affairs features a policy essay that warns of conflicts between Emergency Management and Homeland Defense missions in the event of a major war and a research article that assesses how DHS has incorporated climate change into its mission portfolio. Read more.

Homeland Security Affairs

Homeland Security Affairs

Maritime Critical Infrastructure Protection: Multi-Agency Command and Control in an Asymmetric Environment

As a maritime nation, the United States is economically and strategically reliant on its ports, a fact well known to our potential enemies in the Global War on Terror. A successful attack against maritime critical infrastructure in our ports has the potential to cause major economic disruption and create mass casualties and conflagration.

By Robert Watts

Maritime Critical Infrastructure Protection: Multi-Agency Command and Control in an Asymmetric Environment

Measuring Prevention

How do we know if prevention is working? Not only is the measurement of prevention activities possible, the methodologies of “how” to measure already exist in numerous processes. Additionally, the definitions of “what” to measure have been both experienced and discussed.

By Glen Woodbury

Measuring Prevention

Transforming Border Security: Prevention First

The events of September 11, 2001 caused the nation’s leaders to accelerate existing border programs aimed at prevention. Traditionally, the “prevention” of border violations has involved interdiction (physically impeding any incursion while it is occurring), preemption (through routine screening to intercept illegal shipments, weapons, people, or other illicit cargo), and deterrence (where an action taken means a potential violator does not plan or even attempt an illegal entry).

By Robert Bach

Transforming Border Security: Prevention First

Community Policing as the Primary Prevention Strategy for Homeland Security at the Local Law Enforcement Level

Adoption of the “homeland-policing” model presented in this article suggests that the community policing model serves as a solid framework for the development of an effective prevention strategy.

By Jose Docobo

Community Policing as the Primary Prevention Strategy for Homeland Security at the Local Law Enforcement Level

Building a Contingency Menu: Using Capabilities-Based Planning for Homeland Defense and Homeland Security

Terrorist threat actors are both cunning and adaptive, relying on surprise to overcome security measures. For this reason, military and security planners must embrace a more flexible, comprehensive, and comprehensible approach to contingency planning – a method based on neither threats nor scenarios exclusively, but rather on integrating these two approaches into a planning process based on capabilities.

By Thomas Goss

Building a Contingency Menu: Using Capabilities-Based Planning for Homeland Defense and Homeland Security

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