Volume IV

Volume IV

Brick by Brick: The Strategic Re-Building of the Public Health Infrastructure

The public health infrastructure in the United States has eroded unnoticed; however, the tragic events of September 11, 2001 highlighted the need for a robust public health system. Homeland security funding and the Department of Homeland Security’s strategic goals have directly impacted the rebuilding of the public health system.

By Meredith Allen

Brick by Brick: The Strategic Re-Building of the Public Health Infrastructure

Ascendancy through Perception: the Importance of Dedicated Investment in Academic Homeland Security Research and Inquiry

The events of September 11, 2001 forever altered America’s perception of its own vulnerability and focused the entire nation upon the immediate and urgent objective to secure itself in such a way as to prevent such a dire tragedy from ever occurring again.

By Nicolas Scheffer, Luciana Ferrer, Aaron Lawson, Yun Lei, and Mitchell McLaren

Ascendancy through Perception: the Importance of Dedicated Investment in Academic Homeland Security Research and Inquiry

Making Consequence Management Work: Applying the Lesson of the Joint Terrorism Task Force

Using the successful apprehension of the “Fort Dix Six” as an example, this essay identifies the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) as the most successful effort in the area of homeland security. The essay also nominates consequence management as the area most critical for future success in homeland security.

By Will Goodman

Making Consequence Management Work: Applying the Lesson of the Joint Terrorism Task Force

Proliferation of Biodefense Laboratories and the Need for National Biosecurity

In the years since the September 11, 2001 terrorist acts and the anthrax attacks which followed, the president of the United States has issued a number of Homeland Security Presidential Directives (HSPD). HSPD-10, HSPD-18, and HSPD-21 specifically addressed measures to be taken by the United States to prepare for and mitigate potential threats involving bioterrorism agents (BT agents).

By Jesse Tucker

Proliferation of Biodefense Laboratories and the Need for National Biosecurity

Findings from the Forum on Homeland Security After the Bush Administration: Next Steps in Building Unity of Effort

Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) convened a forum of government and private sector leaders in homeland security to propose specific, practical steps that the next administration can take to strengthen collaboration in homeland security.

By Paul Stockton and Patrick Roberts

Findings from the Forum on Homeland Security After the Bush Administration: Next Steps in Building Unity of Effort

…And Not a Drop to Drink. Water: an Alternative Test for Emergency Managers

When a disaster is declared, FEMA evaluates the damage and determines what needs must be met. Between that determination and the actually delivery of supplies—including clean water—to disaster victims, the government requires a number of steps that, while necessary from a process standpoint, appear to inhibit the delivery of vital resources.

By Michael Byrne

…And Not a Drop to Drink. Water: an Alternative Test for Emergency Managers

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