IEEE Supplement 2011

IEEE Supplement 2011

Gamma-Insensitive Fast Neutron Detector with Spectral Source Identification Potential

Supplement: Best Papers from the IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security By Rico Chandra, Giovanna Davatz, Alexander Howard, and Ulisse Gendotti ABSTRACT: Calculations are presented to support the claim that fast neutron detection systems can achieve higher performance in […]

Gamma-Insensitive Fast Neutron Detector with Spectral Source Identification Potential

Using Public Network Infrastructures for UAV Remote Sensing in Civilian Security Operations

Supplement: Best Papers from the IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security By Kai Daniel and Christian Wietfeld ABSTRACT: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) enable the in-depth reconnaissance and surveillance of major incidents. Uncontrolled emissions of liquid or gaseous contaminants in

Using Public Network Infrastructures for UAV Remote Sensing in Civilian Security Operations

Intelligent Recognition of Acoustic and Vibration Threats for Security Breach Detection, Close Proximity Danger Identification, and Perimeter Protection

Supplement: Best Papers from the IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security By Alireza A. Dibazar, Ali Yousefi, Hyung O. Park, Bing Lu, Sageev George, and Theodore W. Berger ABSTRACT:The protection of perimeters in national, agricultural, airport, prison, and military

Intelligent Recognition of Acoustic and Vibration Threats for Security Breach Detection, Close Proximity Danger Identification, and Perimeter Protection

Prototyping Fusion Center Information Sharing:Implementing Policy Reasoning Over Cross-Jurisdictional Data Transactions Occurring in a Decentralized Environment

Supplement: Best Papers from the IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security By K Krasnow Waterman and Samuel Wang ABSTRACT:In 2004, the White House and then Congress determined there should be an “Information Sharing Environment” that facilitates the flow of

Prototyping Fusion Center Information Sharing:Implementing Policy Reasoning Over Cross-Jurisdictional Data Transactions Occurring in a Decentralized Environment

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