Volume XVI

Volume XVI

The Case for Adaptive SOPs in Complex Crises and Unpredictable Operating Environments

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) guide emergency responders in a crisis, providing predetermined steps to manage anticipated events. Modern disasters, however, often manifest as complex systems—susceptible to nonlinear interactions and feedback in the environment that produce unanticipated outcomes.

By Shawn Harwood and Wayne Porter, Ph.D.

The Case for Adaptive SOPs in Complex Crises and Unpredictable Operating Environments

Enhancing the Organization of the United States Department of Homeland Security to Account for National Risk

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) must enhance its organization to more fully account for, align resources against, and act on the prioritized risks of the homeland security enterprise.

By Michael H. Brody

Enhancing the Organization of the United States Department of Homeland Security to Account for National Risk

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