Richard Bergin
Richard Bergin is a Lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School. Over the past twelve years he has been teaching for the Information Sciences Department and the Center for Homeland Defense and Security and has acted as a thesis advisor for over one hundred Master’s thesis projects. He came to NPS from the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall School of Business where he was an instructor in the information systems undergraduate and graduate programs. Bergin’s research and teaching are focused on the technology management, technology strategy and policy, economics of technology, and technology for Homeland Security areas at NPS. He has co-authored prior work in the Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce and in the Cognitive Systems Research journal. Prior to his academic assignments, Bergin founded and served as CEO of Internet Productions, a software application development company that specialized in offering innovative e-commerce applications. Bergin has an extensive background in operations and production management. He worked in the aerospace industry as a systems analyst and a senior planner. He also worked in the internetworking industry as a production manager and has implemented a number of enterprise resource planning systems and total quality management programs. Richard Bergin earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and a Master of Science degree in Information and Operations Management at the USC Marshall School of Business. He also received a Master of Science in Management Information Systems at the Claremont Graduate School.
David Brannan
David holds a Joint Honours MA in International Relations and Theology as well as a PhD in Theology from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. His dissertation was entitled, “Violence, Terrorism and the Role of Theology.” David publishes in academic journals, tactical journals, edited books and government reports on issues related to his education and experience. His co-authored work, A Practitioner’s Way Forward: Terrorism Analysis was a result of 15+ years of working with practitioner students at the Naval Postgraduate School. He is currently working on a second edition for publication in September 2021.
Erik Dahl
Erik Dahl is an associate professor of national security affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, where he is on the faculty of both the National Security Affairs Department and the Center for Homeland Defense and Security. His research focuses on intelligence, terrorism, and international and homeland security, and he is the author of Intelligence and Surprise Attack: Failure and Success from Pearl Harbor to 9/11 and Beyond (Georgetown University Press, October 2013). His work has been published in Political Science Quarterly, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Intelligence and National Security, the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Homeland Security Affairs, The Journal of Strategic Studies, Strategic Studies Quarterly, and The Naval War College Review, among others. Before joining the NPS faculty in 2008, Dahl was a pre-doctoral fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He received his PhD from The Fletcher School of Tufts University, from which he also received a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy. In addition, he holds master’s degrees from the Naval War College and the London School of Economics and received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard. Dahl retired from the US Navy in 2002 after serving twenty-one years as an intelligence officer, and in April 2021 he will complete a three-year term as chair of the Intelligence Studies Section of the International Studies Association.
Lauren Fernandez
Lauren Fernandez is a contracted instructor in the Master’s Degree Program at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security. The class she most frequently teaches is Introduction to Homeland Security. Previously, she served as a branch chief in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. In that capacity she led analysis of assessment data, managed national information technology systems, and developed technical assistance programs. Dr. Fernandez worked in the private sector as a systems analyst and emergency management planner. She also has over ten years of experience as an emergency medical technician and an incident commander for the Appalachian Search and Rescue Conference. She holds a bachelor and master’s degree in systems engineering from the University of Virginia and received her doctorate in engineering management with a concentration in crisis, emergency, and risk management from The George Washington University. Her dissertation research concerned volunteer management system design and analysis for disaster response and recovery.
Laurie J. Holien
Laurie Holien is an Associate Professor and Program Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Management at Idaho State University. She formerly served as the Deputy Director of the Oregon Office of Emergency Management and as a Security Strategic Advisor for the City of Seattle Public Utilities. She has over 21 years of operational and academic experience in catastrophic planning, essential utility service delivery, business continuity and operations, risk management, private sector interdependencies. Her background includes consulting working for the Department of the Navy (SPAWAR), DHS, FEMA, local emergency management agencies, and private businesses. In 2010, she was named a Naval Postgraduate School/Center for Homeland Defense and Security Alumni Fellow serving at FEMA’s Headquarters in Washington D.C. Ms. Holien earned her Master’s degree from the Naval Postgraduate School and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from the University of Washington.
Laura Manning Johnson
Laura Manning Johnson is a Professor of National Security Strategy at the National War College, detailed from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). She has been a leader at DHS since its’ standup in 2003. Key positions include Deputy Director for Fusion in the National Operations Center, and Acting Director and Deputy Director of Plans Division in the Office of Operations Coordination and Planning. Prior to joining DHS, she served as an intelligence analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA Non-Proliferation Center (NPC), and a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Advisor to the vice president’s WMD National Preparedness Review. She was the first Director of Central Intelligence Representative to the Office of Homeland Security beginning in October, 2001. Dr. Johnson served on the Board of Directors of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) from 2007 to 2010. She has taught at American University, Long Island University, University of California Santa Barbara (where she earned her PhD in Political Science) and Oklahoma State University (where she earned her Master/Bachelor Degrees in Political Science).
Robert Josefek
Robert Josefek is an adjunct professor at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security. He has served on the faculty at the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall School of Business and has taught at the University of Minnesota. As an expert in information and decision sciences including social networking and knowledge management, Dr. Josefek has worked with a variety of both public and private sector organizations. The focus of his work is to help senior managers understand strategic and organizational issues relevant to their information technology options, improving planning and investment decisions, and establishing organizational design and development strategies to prepare for future advances. He has served as a reviewer and associate editor for leading journals and conference committees including Management Science, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, and the Journal of Management Information Systems. He received his PhD from the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management.
Sara Kay
Sara Kay leads the Center for Homeland Defense and Security’s Executive Leadership Program (ELP). She has over 20 years of experience leading security operations in the public and private sectors. She started her security career in the United States Air Force, where she served as Security Forces Officer, including war-time service in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Following her military service, she led security and emergency management operations for the California Judicial Branch. Among other federal roles, Ms. Kay served as a clandestine service officer in the CIA. Ms. Kay left government in 2015 to create and lead Airbnb’s first Global Safety and Security team. She joined CHDS in the ELP Program Lead role in 2021. Ms. Kay has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California at Berkeley and a master’s degree in Security Studies from the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security.
Greta Marlatt
Greta Marlatt is the Outreach & Academic Support manager for the Naval Postgraduate School’s Dudley Knox Library. She has over thirty years of experience working in libraries in various capacities and is a member of both the Special Libraries Association and the American Library Association. She has received a number of Navy and library awards, including the Navy’s Superior Civilian Service Award, and the Carnegie/New York Times I Love My Librarian award. In addition to published articles, she is the author of a number of bibliographies and help guides for topics relating to intelligence, mine warfare, lone wolf terrorism, suicide bombers, outlaw motorcycle gangs, Boko Haram, and more. Ms. Marlatt holds a master of library science degree from the University of Arizona and a master’s degree in national security studies from California State University, San Bernardino.
Michael McDaniel
Michael McDaniel is an associate professor of constitutional law at the Thomas M. Cooley Law School and director of the school’s new Homeland Security Law program. From August 2009 to January 2011, McDaniel served as the deputy assistant secretary for homeland defense (HD) strategy, force planning and mission assurance, advising the secretary of defense, under secretary of defense for policy, and assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense and America’s security affairs on all HD-related strategies (Quadrennial Defense Review, HD & civil support strategies, the developing mission assurance strategy, and domestic counterterrorism and counter-narcotics strategies, among other efforts). Brigadier General McDaniel was appointed by the Michigan governor as her advisor on homeland security on February 5, 2003 and served in that capacity until July 31, 2009 while simultaneously serving as the assistant adjutant general for homeland security, Michigan National Guard. BG McDaniel has a Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Bonaventure University, a Juris Doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Law, a Master of Strategic Studies degree from the Army War College, and a Master of Arts in Security Studies (Homeland Security) degree from the Naval Postgraduate School.
Nadav Morag
Nadav Morag is an Instructor at the Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS), Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. He teaches in the MA program and lectures in the Executive Leaders Program. He concurrently serves as Professor and Chair of the Department of Security Studies in the College of Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University. Between 2010 and 2015, he served as a Senior Fellow at The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute. In 2001, Nadav took up a position, initially as Senior Director for Domestic Policy and subsequently as Senior Director for Foreign Policy, at Israel’s National Security Council, Prime Minister’s Office. At the Israeli NSC, Nadav worked with a team of ten other senior officials from the Israeli Military, Domestic Security Service, Mossad, Foreign Ministry and Police developing policy recommendations based on intelligence and other sources for then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on matters of national security including counterterrorism policy, bilateral security relations with a number of regional countries and Europe and the development of a national security policy for the Israeli national police. He is the author of Comparative Homeland Security: Global Lessons (Wiley and Sons, 2011, 2nd Edition 2018) and has authored numerous articles and book chapters on terrorism, strategy and the Middle East. Nadav holds BA and MA degrees from UCLA and a PhD from Tel Aviv University, where he served on the faculty for nine years. He was also the 2009 recipient of the LCDR David L. Williams Outstanding Professor Award from the Naval Postgraduate School.
Rodrigo Nieto-Gómez
Dr. Rodrigo Nieto is a geostrategist and defense futurist focused on the consequences of the accelerating pace of change in homeland security and policing environments. He is a research professor at the National Security Affairs Department and at the Center for Homeland Defense and Security at the Naval Postgraduate School and has also worked as a certified facilitator and instructor for the Command College for the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) and a former instructor at the Executive Academy of the Emergency Management Institute. He is also a faculty member of Singularity University. For more than a decade, Dr. Nieto has taught hundreds of high ranking law enforcement, military, and homeland security leaders how to create and execute strategies to transform their agencies to meet the requirements of rapidly changing environments and threat profiles. As an innovation expert and an academically trained geostrategist, he has built a reputation as an expert on future threats to national security and policing and how to confront them. He has performed field research in multiple territories, including the totality of the U.S.-Mexico border. Dr. Nieto has multiple publications describing the adaptation capacities of global organized crime, the public policy challenges of innovation and intrapreneurship in government and homeland security, asymmetric warfare, and cybersecurity.
Michael Petrie
Michael Petrie has 40 years experience in EMS, emergency services, and homeland security, including leading some of California’s highest profile EMS systems. Mr. Petrie currently provides homeland security and emergency management consulting and advisory services for government agencies and offices. Before his retirement from full-time employment, he served as the Monterey County EMS Bureau Chief, the Santa Clara County EMS Chief, and the City and County of San Francisco’s EMS Administrator. His work included numerous homeland security functions, including WMD and mass casualty incident planning and response, intelligence fusion and analysis, capability and threat assessments, and routinely serving in leadership positions in military and civilian operations centers. Mr. Petrie is a certified emergency manager (CEM®), has been a licensed EMT/Paramedic for over forty years, and has been awarded the State of California EMS Authority’s Meritorious Service Medal and Distinguished Service Medal. Mr. Petrie served on the faculty of the University of California, Berkeley as the Director of the CIDER Emergency Management Sciences Program, and at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS), where he continues to serve as a thesis adviser. Michael holds a Master’s in Business Administration, a Masters of Arts in Security Studies (Homeland Security) from the Naval Postgraduate School, a graduate certificate in Terrorism Studies from the University of Saint Andrews, and a Graduate Certificate in Geopolitical Economics and International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
James Ramsay
James Ramsay has over twenty years of experience in public health, security studies, emergency management and occupational safety, and environmental health. Currently he is a professor of security studies and the Security Studies and Criminology Head of Department at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Prior to that, he was the Founding Coordinator of the Homeland Security program and Founding Chair of the Department of Security Studies at the University of New Hampshire. Dr. Ramsay also serves as the Editor in Chief for the Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and serves on the Board for the International Association of Intelligence Education. Dr. Ramsay’s research areas include the relationship between climate security and homeland & national security, and wicked problems in intelligence. Textbooks include the Introduction to Homeland Security, Critical Issues Within the Homeland Security Enterprise: A Casebook and Theoretical Foundations of Homeland Security: Strategies, Operations and Structures each published by Routledge, and Foundations of Environmental Security: Concepts, Challenges and Case Studies published by the American Meteorological Society. Dr. Ramsay is a Fellow in The American Society of Safety Professionals and is the inaugural recipient (2020) of the Dave McIntyre Award for Homeland Security Education and Research from the University Agency Partnership Program. He has previously served on the Board of Scientific Counselors to the Director of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health in the CDC and was the Founding President of the International Society for Preparedness, Resilience and Security. Dr. Ramsay teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on environmental & human security; strategic planning and decision-making; emergency management; exercise design and evaluation; terrorism and intelligence.
Steve Recca
Steve Recca directs the University and Agency Partnership Program for the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Center for Homeland Defense and Security, and concurrently serves as the Humanitarian Assistance Program Advisor with the Pacific Disaster Center. Steve’s previous positions include security policy assignments with the Central Intelligence Agency, State Department, Department of Defense, and in academia. He teaches Intelligence, Homeland Security, and Human Security courses at the University of Denver, University of Colorado, and University of Alaska, and is a Trustee for Marian University. Steve also is on the Review Boards for three additional peer-reviewed journals: Homeland Security Affairs, Journal of Climate Security and Resilience, and the Journal of Security, Intelligence, and Resilience Education.
Anke Richter
Anke Richter is a professor at the Defense Resources Management Institute of the Naval Postgraduate School. She received a BA in Mathematics and French from Dartmouth College (1991) and a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Stanford University (1996). Her graduate work was supported by a grant from the Office of Naval Research. Dr. Richter was previously a Director of Health Outcomes at RTI-Health Solutions, RTI International. Her research interests include resource allocation for epidemic control, disease modelling and economic impact assessment, and bio terrorism. She has published in many peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, PharmacoEconomics, Medical Decision Making, Disaster Medicine, and Journal of Emergency Management. Dr. Richter is a member of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). While English is Dr. Richter’s first language, she is also fluent in German and French.
John Rollins
John Rollins is a researcher at the Library of Congress’ Congressional Research Service (CRS) specializing in terrorism, intelligence community, and homeland security issues. Prior to joining CRS, Mr. Rollins was the first chief of staff of the Office of Intelligence for the Department of Homeland Security and the secretary’s senior advisor on intelligence community reform. Mr. Rollin’s career includes a variety of analytic, legal, and management positions in the U.S. Army, FBI, CIA, DIA, U.S. Marine Corps, 1st SFOD-D (Delta Force), and the United Nations. He frequently testifies before Congress on issues of national security importance and is the author of numerous papers and articles addressing a wide range of national security issues. As an adjunct professor, he teaches homeland security graduate courses at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security, University of Connecticut, and Texas A&M University. Mr. Rollins frequently advises the private sector, state and local governments, and the media regarding security-related issues. He is a licensed attorney and graduate of the Senior Executive Fellowship program, Harvard University.
Anders Strindberg
Dr. Anders Strindberg teaches at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS). His areas of specialization include terrorism and violent extremism, hybrid warfare, and influence operations. He has held academic appointments at Princeton University, Damascus University, Syria, and St Andrews University, Scotland. Prior to joining CHDS, he was Special Correspondent for Jane’s Intelligence Review, and served as consultant to several European law enforcement agencies and security services, as well as ministries of defense, foreign affairs, justice and immigration. He has served as Political Scientist with the RAND Corporation and is currently a Scientist with the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). He is author of numerous articles, book chapters, and books including Islamism (Polity, 2011, with Mats Warn).
Stanley Supinski
Stan Supinski is the co-director of Partnership Programs and a faculty member at the Center for Homeland Defense and Security; an associate professor at Long Island University’s Homeland Security Management Institute; and has served on the faculty of the University of Massachusetts and University of Denver. He is the former deputy for training and education for the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, where he developed the organizations’ academic training and education programs; he is also the founder and former director of the Homeland Security/Defense Education Consortium (HSDEC), a network of more than 270 federal, military, and civilian educational institutions. Dr. Supinski has conducted research and authored numerous articles on homeland security and defense, technology support to education, and language acquisition. He holds a PhD in instructional systems design from Florida State University and a master’s degree in national security affairs from the Naval Postgraduate School.
David Tucker
David Tucker is an associate professor in the Department of Defense Analysis, co-director of the Center on Terrorism and Irregular Warfare, and an instructor in the Homeland Security Master’s Degree Program, all at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. Before coming to the Postgraduate School, he served in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict as the deputy director for special operations and as a Foreign Service officer in Africa and Europe. Dr. Tucker’s publications include “Terrorism, Networks, and Strategy: Why the Conventional Wisdom is Wrong” Homeland Security Affairs (June 2008); U.S. Special Operations Forces, with Christopher Lamb (Columbia University Press, August 2007); and “Confronting the Unconventional: Innovation and Transformation in Military Affairs”, (Letort Paper, U. S. Army War College, October 2006). He holds a PhD from the Claremont Graduate School and is a member of the Board of Visitors of the Marine Corps University.
Bert Tussing
Bert Tussing is the director of the Homeland Defense and Security Issues Group of the U.S. Army War College’s Center for Strategic Leadership. He joined the Center in October 1999 following nearly twenty-five years in the United States Marine Corps. He is a Distinguished Graduate of both the Marine Corps Command and Staff College and the Naval War College, and holds master’s degrees in national security strategy from the Naval War College and military strategic studies from the U.S. Army War College. Mr. Tussing is a senior fellow on George Washington University’s Homeland Security Policy Institute; a member of the Board of Experts for the University of California-Irvine’s Center for Unconventional Security Affairs; and on the steering committee of the Homeland Security/Defense Education Consortium Association. In December 2008 he accepted an appointment to the Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Advisory Council, wherein he will advise in the development and execution of the department’s congressionally-mandated Quadrennial Homeland Security Review.
R.B. Watts
A 1985 graduate of the Coast Guard Academy, Captain Watts served twenty-six years on active duty, including serving six sea tours with both Navy and Coast Guard which included commanding USCGC STEADFAST (WMEC 623) and serving as the Coast Guard liaison officer to the Chief of Naval Operations. A qualified surface warfare officer and cutterman, he holds an advanced degree from the Naval War College in strategic studies, and master degrees from Old Dominion University in history, from American Military University in international Naval studies, the Naval Postgraduate School in homeland security, and a PhD from the Royal Military College of Canada in war studies. He has written extensively on sea power and contingencies in USNI Proceedings, the Naval War College Review , and other professional journals, and most recently served as the Coast Guard Chief of Contingency Operations before retiring to take a professorship at the National War College, where he teaches courses in war and statecraft, domestic policy, homeland security, military history, and irregular warfare.
Beth Windisch
Beth Windisch is a national security practitioner and security studies researcher who focuses on violence prevention through strengthening human networks. She studies the valuable connections that sustain civil society in times of crisis and helps foster those connections through both analytical academic research and focused, real-world application. Windisch earned a B.A. from Indiana University, an M.A. from National Defense University, and an M.A. from the Naval Postgraduate School, where her thesis research examined lone-actor terrorists, gender-based violence, and hegemonic masculinity.
Lauren Wollman
Lauren Wollman is Managing Director of Academic Programs/Senior Analyst and Thesis Coordinator at the Center for Homeland Defense and Security at the Naval Postgraduate School. She is the lead instructor for the Research courses (NS3014 and NS4081), and supervises student research in the capacity of Thesis Coordinator. She is a senior contract manager for academic affairs. Other special projects in her portfolio have included developing the Homeland Security Digital Library taxonomy in collaboration with taxonomy specialists; developing the curriculum for the national certificate program for Homeland Security Studies, and founding the peer-reviewed CHDS journal,, for which she still serves as Senior Editor.
Glen Woodbury
Glen Woodbury is the director of the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security and is responsible for leading the Center’s strategic commitment to servicing the homeland security priorities of the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security and Defense, as well as local, state, tribal, and federal agencies. His previous responsibilities as an associate director (2004-2007) included the development of executive education workshops, seminars, and training for senior state and local officials as well as military leaders. Mr. Woodbury served as the director of the Emergency Management Division for the State of Washington from 1998 through 2004. In this capacity, he directed the state’s response to numerous emergencies, disasters, and heightened security threat levels, including the World Trade Organization disturbance in Seattle in 1999, the Nisqually Earthquake in February 2001, the TOPOFF II Exercise in 2003, and the national response to the attacks of September 11th. Mr. Woodbury holds a bachelor degree in engineering sciences from Lafayette College and a master’s degree in security studies from the Naval Postgraduate School.
Editorial Committee
- Executive Editor: Chris Bellavita Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS)
- Senior Editor: Lauren Fernandez CHDS
- Senior Editor: Nadav Morag CHDS